Thursday, August 28, 2014

My guest blog post on #UNLOCKYOURLOVE-Venetians taking their city’s problems into their own hands

#unlockyourlove logo by Alberto Toso Fei
After one of the most trying tourist seasons today’s generations of Venetians can remember, a grassroots group—tired of visitors using the city of Venice, Italy, like a beach, a picnic area or more crassly as an outdoor toilet. Yes this is happening in Venice, too—is saying basta! Enough of the abuse their spectacular town, a U.N.E.S.C.O. World Heritage site, has been forced to succumb to....

Please continue reading my blog post here on Insiders Abroad:  

Thank You, Insiders Abroad for asking me to share this story with you and your readers. 

1 comment:

  1. Tourists need to be educated, and expectations clarified. I remember years ago praying in St. Peters's Cathedral in Rome, when my toddler fell asleep on the bench. A priest advised me then and there to take the child elsewhere to sleep! I was hurt and upset, but I understood too well, that each place has its own standards.
